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Binary trading global indonesia

Binary options have been traded by professional and institutional traders for decades. It is impossible to say. ASIC, , etc. They are similar, but have some differences. Most currencies and gold trade continuously 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday. Is trading binary options the same as trading forex? US or Asian market opens. Do you have any advice for beginners? Per most government regulators, binary options are a legitimate financial product and hence perfectly legal to invest in. It was only around 2008 that retail binary option brokers started to emerge and offer the product to the general trading public. We have spent a lot of time trialing different brokers and writing reviews which cover many aspects of the trading process, this is the best place to start.

Which brokers are the safest? What is the minimum capital needed to start trading? Traders simply need to understand two outcomes: will the price go up or down? This part is very important. This page answers some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive from our visitors. You must be over 18 years of age.

What ID documents do I have to provide? Regulation ensures brokers operate with high levels of their own capital, have strict risk management and that client rights are protected. Most brokers will require two types of ID documents to sign up, primary photo ID and secondary proof of address. How old do I have to be to trade binary options? Our advice is to first do your research. What are the market opening hours? Binary option traders know the risk to their capital before they enter the trade, yet there is still opportunity to make large profits.

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